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Never Gonna Dance Again Sax Solo

It was his start solo unmarried, and it remains one of the greatest love songs of all time.

George Michael transformed himself overnight from a boyband member to a leading popular icon with this 1980s ballad.

Merely what is 'Devil-may-care Whisper' about and how was it made? Hither are all the facts y'all need to know:

  • Who wrote 'Careless Whisper'?

    Pic: PA

    George Michael co-wrote 'Careless Whisper' with his Wham! bandmate Andrew Ridgeley.

    The pair had written information technology together while developing as artists in 1981 in Watford, when they were anile just 17.

    George said in his autobiography Bare: "I was on my way to DJ at the Bel Air when I wrote 'Devil-may-care Whisper'. I take ever written on buses, trains and in cars. It e'er happens on journeys.

    With 'Careless Whisper' I recollect EXACTLY where it beginning came to me, where I came up with the sax line. I tin can remember very vaguely where I was when I wrote things after Wham! got off the ground, just with 'Careless Whisper' I remember exactly the fourth dimension and place.

    "I know information technology sounds actually weird and a kind of romantic matter to say, but I remember exactly where it happened, where I was sitting on the double-decker, how I connected and everything. I think I was handing the money over to the guy on the motorcoach and I got this line, the sax line: der-der-der-der, der-der-der-der.

    "So he moved away and I continued writing it in my head. I wrote information technology totally in my head. I worked on it for most three months in my head."

  • 'Careless Whisper' meaning: What was the inspiration behind the vocal?

    George and Andrew took inspiration from stories from George's early romantic moments. George explained that much of the song'due south content is based on events from his childhood.

    The song was mainly inspired by two dissimilar girls named Jane and Helen:

    "When I was twelve, xiii, I used to take to chaperone my sister, who was two years older, to an ice rink at Queensway in London. There was a girl in that location with long blond pilus whose name was Jane.

    "I was a fat male child in glasses and I had a big crush on her -though I didn't stand a chance. My sister used to go and practice what she wanted when we got to the skating rink and I would spend the afternoon swooning over this girl Jane.

    "A few years afterwards, when I was sixteen, I had my commencement human relationship with a daughter called Helen. It had just started to cool off a bit when I discovered that the blonde girl from Queensway had moved in but effectually the corner from my schoolhouse.

    "She had moved in right adjacent to where I used to stand and await for my side by side-door neighbour, who used to give me a lift home from school. And one day I saw her walk down the path next to me and I thought – at present where did SHE come up from? She didn't know it was me.

    via GIPHY

    "It was a few years later and I looked a lot different. Then we played a school disco with [his band] The Executive and she saw me singing and decided she fancied me. By this time she was that much older and a large buxom affair – and somewhen I started seeing her. She invited me in one solar day when I was waiting for my lift and I heaven."

    Explaining that after he stopped wearing glasses, he began getting invited to parties, he connected: "And the girl who didn't even see me when I was twelve invited me in. So I went out with her for a couple of months but I didn't stop seeing Helen. I thought I was being smart – I had gone from being a full loser to being a ii-timer.

    "And I remember my sisters used to give me a hard time considering they found out and they really liked the first daughter. The whole idea of 'Devil-may-care Whisper' was the starting time girl finding out about the second – which she never did.

    "Simply I started another relationship with a girl called Alexis without finishing the i with Jane. It all got a bit complicated. Jane found out about her and got rid of me... The whole time I thought I was beingness absurd, existence this ii-timer, but there really wasn't that much emotion involved. I did experience guilty well-nigh the offset daughter – and I have seen her since – and the idea of the song was about her.

    "'Careless Whisper' was u.s.a. dancing, considering nosotros danced a lot, and the thought was – we are dancing...but she knows...and it's finished."

  • George wasn't happy with the original version

    The song went through at to the lowest degree two attempts at production.

    The first was during a trip George made to the legendary Muscle Shoals studio in Alabama, where he worked with producer Jerry Wexler.

    Nonetheless, George was unhappy with the version that was originally produced past Wexler, and he decided to re-record and produce the song himself, which ended up being the version that was released.

    Later Wexler booked the top saxophone player from Los Angeles to do the famous solo: "He arrived at eleven and should accept been gone by twelve," said Wham! managing director Simon Napier-Bong. "Instead, after 2 hours, he was withal there while everyone in the studio shuddered with embarrassment. He just couldn't play the opening riff the way George wanted it, the way it had been on the demo. But that had been made two years earlier by a friend of George'due south who lived round the corner and played sax for fun in the pub."

    George apparently told the saxophonist: "No, it's still not right, yous come across... It has to twitch upwards a little just in that location! See...? And not too much."

    When Napier-Bong asked Wexler if George's dispute with the sax audio was correct, Wexler replied: "Definitely! I've seen things like this before. There's some tiny nuance that the sax player is somehow non getting correct. Although you lot and I tin't hear what it is, it may exist the very thing that will make the record a hitting. The success of pop records is so ephemeral, and then unbelievably unpredictable, nosotros just can't take the chance of being impatient. But this sax player'due south not going to become it, is he!"

    The original version was released later in the year, as a B-side 'Special Version' on 12" in the Great britain and Japan. Mind to it above.

  • Who played the saxophone on 'Careless Whisper'?

    George went dorsum to London'due south Sarm West'south Studio 2 to re-record the track.

    Jazz musician Dan Forshaw afterward revealed that saxophonist Steve Gregory had got a phone call to re-record the song's sax solo, and he was the 11th saxophone player to tape the solo as George wanted to become the sound he hoped for.

    "Session musicians exercise not take much idea what they are going to be recording until they get in, and this was the case for Steve and another saxophonist who was ahead of him in the (queue)," Forshaw said.

    "Every bit usual there was a lot of waiting around and the guy in front of Steve threw in the towel proverb, 'it'due south only going to be some crappy B side anyhow so I'm off'. Steve waited and then discovered that the solo wasn't that easy to play in the written key, as his old Selmer Mark VI tenor didn't have a top F# primal. And so, the engineer slowed the record downwardly so that Steve could record the solo a semitone lower than intended.

    "Once the tape was put back to the normal speed, a 'unnatural' saxophone sound was created that sounded a bit similar an Alto in the Paul Desmond vibe, but lacking a chip more than depth and darkness to the audio. George Michael had simply arrived at the studio and said 'that'southward the one, that's the sax solo I desire'. This could be down to that whole 80s synth concept where sounds became increasingly 'manufactured', or simply that George never recognized information technology was 'wrong'."

  • How did it perform in the charts?

    The unmarried was released in August 1984, and reached number ane in the UK, ending a nine-week run at the tiptop for '2 Tribes' past Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

    Information technology stayed at number one for three weeks, and was the fifth best-selling single of 1984.

    It also topped the charts in 25 other countries, including the Usa in Feb 1985 under the credit 'Wham! featuring George Michael'. Information technology was later named Billboard'south number-one vocal of 1985.

    'Careless Whisper' was released while Wham! were still a grouping, but was credited to George on his ain in the United kingdom. However, information technology was included on Wham!'s album Get in Big.

  • George wasn't a huge fan of the song

    He said in 1991 that it "was not an integral role of my emotional development...information technology disappoints me that you can write a lyric very flippantly—and not a particularly good lyric—and it can mean and so much to so many people. That's disillusioning for a author."

    He afterward told the Large Event in 2009: "I'm even so a flake puzzled why it'southward made such an impression on people... Is information technology considering so many people have cheated on their partners? Is that why they connect with it?

    "I have no idea, but it's ironic that this song - which has come up to ascertain me in some way - should have been written right at the beginning of my career when I was withal so immature. I was only 17 and didn't really know much almost anything - and certainly zip much nearly relationships."

  • 'Careless Whisper' music video: Where was it shot?

    via GIPHY

    The music video follows George playing a man showing guilt over an matter, and his acknowledgement that his partner (played by Lisa Stahl) is going to find out.

    It was filmed on location in Miami, Florida, in 1984 and features places such every bit as Coconut Grove and Watson Isle. The terminal shot of the video shows Michael leaning out of a balcony at the last floor of Miami's Grove Towers.

    The original version of the video was edited with the Jerry Wexler 1983 version, and as well featured Andrew Ridgeley in a cameo, handing over a letter to a dark-haired George.

    According to producer Jon Roseman, the video was "a f*****thou disaster". According to co-star Lisa Stahl, "They lost footage of our kissing scene so we had to reshoot it, which I didn't mutter near... And so George decided he didn't like his hair and then he flew his sis over from England to cut it and we had to reshoot more than scenes."

    As the ring felt they had "screwed up" the video, farther footage of George singing on-stage was later on shot at the Lyceum Theatre in London.

  • Who has covered it?

    Various artists, including:

    - Seether (meet to a higher place)
    - Gloria Gaynor
    - The Shadows
    - Bananarama
    - Kenny G

  • Information technology featured in Deadpool

    The Marvel superhero movie ended with a fantastic outburst of 'Careless Whisper', consummate with an blithe Deadpool playing sax.



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